We bought our first jar on Monday. With a cocker spaniel I thought it would be worthwhile to try for ear infection prevention and being black to keep his coat shiny. I like the idea that it has a long shelf life. Makes me think when you buy fish oils how effective are they really if they have been sitting on a store shelf for quite a while. I like the idea I can put it in smoothies and mine and his skin. Mosquitoes gravitate to me, so excited to see how it will work on bug bites. I did some research on the internet, read the reviews and I have no reason to not try it. And so far so good, he is a picky spaniel and ate it right away and the kitty went insane when I opened the jar for the first time.
Odie Baker
Odi'e second review:
We made it through week 1 of CocoTherapy in a jar (gave it to him every other day to get his system used to it), and Odie still loves the taste (he is a very picky eater) and I have to wrestle the jar away from him cause he went wants to stick his tongue in it lol So far I have definitely noticed he has barely licked his feet all week. Can't wait to see what week 2 brings.