The Science Behind CocoTherapy: Your Exclusive Gateway to Scientific Research Articles

At CocoTherapy, we've dedicated ourselves to harnessing the therapeutic benefits of coconut oil, witnessing its transformative effects on animals globally.

Our journey began in our grandma's kitchen, where we saw the meticulous process of crafting coconut oil. As little girls, we watched her make coconut oil in her small kitchen and used it not just for food, but as a supplement for a variety of health issues, a topical salve for cuts and wounds, and lots more.

This invaluable knowledge became the cornerstone of CocoTherapy's mission. Partnering with naturopathic expert Dr. Bruce Fife ND in 2014, we contributed to his book, "Coconut Therapy for Pets," showcasing the remarkable impact of coconut oil on diverse health issues.

Now, we answer the skeptics asking, "Where's the scientific research on coconut oil?"

Look no further. We've complied all the scientific studies in our easy-to-use guide. We broke it down by health concerns, summarized the studies for easy understanding, and provided links so you can do your own research!

Discover the evidence-backed research of coconut oil:

  • How coconut oil affects weight and insulin sensitivity
  • How coconut oil enhances nutrient absorption and supports healthy gut microbiome
  • How coconut oil helps your aging pet's brain, pet’s with seizures and Alzheimer’s
  • Coconut oil and your pet's kidneys; how it supports kidney function
  • The link between coconut oil and improved liver function
  • How coconut oil mitigates lipid malabsorption problems
  • How lauric acid battles cancer cells
  • The surprising role of coconut oil in reducing abdominal fat
  • How coconut meat supports healthy cholesterol

And much more!

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