Thank you for such for such a great product and addition to our treats

I wanted to write to you to let you know that your Coconut Chips and oil are fantastic! I started a small business in January of this year “Three Black Dogs Barkery” (all natural and organic dog treats).
Rub oil on dogs skin for great results! Reading Thank you for such for such a great product and addition to our treats 1 minute Next Lacey's coat is so soft, and so are my hands!

I wanted to write to you to let you know that your Coconut Chips and oil are fantastic! I started a small business in January of this year “Three Black Dogs Barkery” (all natural and organic dog treats). My dogs have loved the chips and oil since I first found your product about a year and a half ago, so I decided I would try your products in and on my treats. The coconut chips especially are a winner!

Thank you for such for such a great product and addition to our treats.

Lynn Van Oudenaren, Owner
Three Black Dogs Barkery
Murphy, NC